Residential Programs

Foreign National Mortgage Products


A Foreign National borrower is that person who does NOT reside and does NOT earn his/her primary source of income in the United States and counts with legal entry to the United States. Prime Equity Financial specializes in obtaining the best financial rates and terms for Foreign National Buyers/Investors. We provide an awareness of the different options of financing available in today’s market along with a full spectrum of services necessary to efficiently attend to the unique needs of this class of client, which include:

Fixed Rate Mortgage: The security of having the same interest rate over the life of the loan and the comfort of knowing that your monthly principal and interest payment will not change.

Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM): Allows you to take advantage of a lower starting interest rate. ARM loans are well-suited for people who don’t plan to stay in the property long-term or who are in a position of a very unique loan scenario.

Hard Equity Mortgage: Most commonly known as a “bridge loan”, this specialized type of real-estate backed loan, composed of a short-term, provides funding based solely on the value of real estate being collateralized for the loan. This loan can often be viewed as a “quick fix” to a tight situation, commonly used as an option while the “situation”.

At Prime Equity Financial we are able to entertain any type of property a Foreign National may be interested in purchasing such as:

  • Single-Family Residences
  • Condominiums (Fannie Mae or Non-Fannie Mae Approved)
  • Townhouses
  • Condo-hotels
  • Primary Residence
  • Secondary or “Vacation” Residence
  • Investment or ”Rental” Residence
  • LLC, Trust or Corporate Title