At Prime Equity you will find a financial department composed of a group of multi-disciplinary professionals comprised of a market-leading team in terms of depth of experience and technical ability.

As the economy shifts, our focus remains in continually developing creative and innovative programs to bring about rewards to both our clients and partners in the field, keeping in mind that as we see you prosper, so will Prime Equity.

There is no doubt that, thanks to our financial department´s strong performance, today we are recognized as a trusted partner to many of the top real estate developers in the United States. The ever present volatility of the current U.S. economy has proven time and time again our ability to develop and implement creative solutions to highly complex situations.

When working with Prime Equity Financial, you will be a witness to our strong level of client commitment, solid foundation of intellectual capital, dedication to exceptional performance and uncompromising integrity...all of which must be applied when dealing with a client´s hard earned capital. We invite you to learn how our financial department gives you the tools to participate in what is expected to be an unusually favorable investment environment over the next several years.

Who we Serve

We offer products and services to individuals and organizations looking for a trusted advisor and seeking solutions to help them meet their financial goals in a personalized environment.

Our array of products and services are tailored around the needs of foreign nationals who wish to finance residential and commercial real estate investments in the United States.

Our teams of professionals are trained in understanding the unique set of needs and challenges affecting this class of client. We also strive to serve United States citizens and residents by offering them attractive domestic products for real estate financing.